BOD Meeting Minutes 11.15.2018
BOD Meeting Minutes 10.18.2018
BOD Meeting Minutes 09.20.2018
BOD Meeting Minutes 08.23.2018
Board of Directors
Board of Directors – As of July 28, 2018
Walter Wilkinson, President
Shea Hicks, Secretary
Mary Raborn, Treasurer
Diana Cameron, Representative
Stewart Hillis, Representative
Annual Meeting 7-28-18
Annual Meeting 7-28-2018
Treasurer’s report available to all members present and to any member upon request.
President discussed road maintenance, possible paving of pond parking area, and paving of several drive way aprons to begin July 30th.
Pond was not treated for weeds and mosquitoes due to a concern for other aquatic life present.
Scott Cameron expressed concern over the CC&R edit proposals stating that there had not been enough community involvement in the discussions.
Brian Doherty opened a discussion concerning gates. Many pros and cons were discussed as well as types of gates. The 2018-2019 BOD will look into the matter further.
No CC&R edit proposal passes due to the fact that only 29 lots were represented in the voting and a 2/3 majority (31 lots) must be in agreement before any changes can be made. See below for the results.
Board of Directors Election Results are as follows. 29 ballots were received
President Walter Wilkenson (22 votes)
Representative Diane Cameron (21 votes)
Representative Stu Hillis (20 Votes)
Secretary Shea Hicks (17 votes)
Treasurer Mary Raborn (26 votes)
Anita Hillis
HOA Secretary
PS Thank you for the opportunity to be involved in the welfare of our community. Best of luck to the new board. If I can be of assistance in any way please let me know.
Anita Hillis
Article IV
#4 Remove the requirement for architectural unification.
Agree_______12_______________ Disagree____________17_______________
#7 c. Swine are expressly prohibited unless a special variance is granted by the BOD.
Agree_______14_______________ Disagree__________15_________________
- No more than 10 chickens (including roosters) and/or 10 rabbits will be permitted per lot.
Agree_________14_____________ Disagree_______15____________________
- Other large animals will include goats and sheep.
Agree________13______________ Disagree______________16_____________
#10 We do want 50 foot setbacks maintained.
Agree_______21_______________ Disagree_____8______________________
#10 Fence height has been extended to 72 inches with no bottom limit.
Agree_______________13_______ Disagree__________16_________________
#11 Tree management will be left to the discretion of the lot owner.
Agree_______18_______________ Disagree________________11___________
#19 A variance for a longer construction time may be granted by the BOD.
Agree_____________19_________ Disagree______10_____________________
Article VII
#3. Prospective builders will contact the BOD appointed licensed engineering and architectural firm for plan submission requirements.
Agree__________19____________ Disagree________10___________________
Article IX
#3 Addition of the language;
Any single expenditure of over $5,000 must be approved by a majority vote of owners.
Agree_______18_______________ Disagree__________11_________________
Article X
#1 Due to the number of inactive members the possibility of getting a 2/3 majority of all the lots owned is next to impossible. We propose to move forward with a 2/3 majority of all votes cast. A reasonable and documented effort must be made by the BOD to contact all lot owners.
Agree_______15_______________ Disagree____________14_______________
#2 Enforcement will be the responsibility of the HOA through its representatives (BOD) and not the responsibility of any lot owner.
Agree_________16_____________ Disagree_____________12______________
#4 First phrase is to be struck and replaces with;
In the event of a dispute concerning the CC & Rs and/or HOA business, members are encouraged to submit a written complaint and present the issue to the board. If the dispute is not resolved….
Agree_______18_______________ Disagree___________11________________
BOD Meeting Notes 5-29 & 6-5, 2018
Meadow Brooke HOA Board Meeting 5-29-18
Attendance-Stu Hillis Pres, Laura Cox Representative, Anita Hillis Secretary, Mary Raborn Treasurer
Guests- Walter Wilkinson and Dick Able
Wagor has been contacted about ditch mowing.
Waiting on a follow up inspection of crack seal of road by Asphalt Doctor.
Block 1 is perusing the movement of their mail boxes. This needs to go through the Marion post office.
Treasurer-Only 3 assessments are presently outstanding.
Weed Sprayer- Block 1 has done extensive work to get the weed sprayer up and running. They will keep the old sprayer and Block 2 will purchase a new sprayer.
CC&R Review-group discussion on proposed changes. Reconvene on May 31st to finish discussion. May 31st additional guests included Diane Cameron and Bob Blankenship. Proposed changes were finalized.
Meadow Brooke HOA Board Meeting 6-5-18
Attendance-Stu Hillis Pres, Laura Cox Representative, Anita Hillis Secretary, Mary Raborn Treasurer
Treasure-Same 3 outstanding assessments remain. Correspondence is being prepared concerning the next step in the process. (property lien)
Weed sprayer was purchased and Stu sprayed all ditches for thistle.
Annual meeting is set for July 28th at the Fire Hall at 4:00. Mailing including Ballots, proposed CC&R changes, candidate bios, meeting agenda and CC&Rs will go out on June 18th.
Anita Hillis
HOA Secretary
Meadowbrooke HOA June 1st, 2018
Board of Directors
Dear HOA Members,
The BOD has decided to send out ballots for board member elections this year. This will replace the previously used proxy vote. If you wish to run for a board position please prepare a short (5 or 6 sentences) informational piece detailing your experience and vision for the community. This information will be mailed along with the ballots so members can make an informed choice.
Your declaration, stating which office you are running for, and your informational piece are due no later than 12:00 PM June 15th. Ballots will be mailed June 18th. You may email the information to , or send it by US postal service to;
Meadowbrooke HOA
PO box 1392
Marion, MT 59925
Thank you for your involvement in your home owners association,
Anita Hillis
HOA Secretary
BOD Meeting Notes 5.14.18
BOD Meeting Notes 5-14-18
Meadow Brooke HOA Board Meeting 5-14-18
Attendance-Stu Hillis Pres, Anita Hillis Secretary, Mary Raborn Treasurer
HAO insurance has been renewed for the year. There has been a substantial increase due to the major influx of new residence.
The previous plow service is preparing a bid for the upcoming 2018-19 plow season. The previous mowing service has been contacted and a bid has been requested for the 2018 mowing contract. The BOD has decided to take care of the weed spraying and not outsource the contract. Hopefully this will be a more effective plan for weed control.
The BOD has decided to address the recent separation poll and subsequent response by reviewing the existing CC & Rs and reconvening in two weeks to discuss proposed changes. At that time a mailer will be sent to all HOA members with proposed changes. The BOD looks forward to community input in this matter.
Anita Hillis
HOA Secretary