BOD Meeting 10.19.17

BOD Meeting Notes 10-19-17

Meadow Brooke HOA   Board Meeting   10-19-17

Attendance-Stu Hillis Pres, Brian Russel VP Blk.1, Laura Cox VP Blk. 2, Anita Hillis Secretary, Mary Raborn Treasurer

Block 1 needs an official letter from BOD to release them from the HOA.  Also, all minutes pertaining to the matter will be sent to Block 1.  Phase one of secession will include a separate bank account for Block 1.

Treasurer’s Report-HOA is currently unable to maintain roads and other expenses with the current assessment rates.  Discussion on just what an increase would look like.

Discussion on weed management and paving of driveway entrances.

Anita Hillis

HOA Secretary.